Asa Carr applied to UACCB in Batesville this month as part of the College Application Month event at West Side. Congratulations, Asa!
about 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
Asa Carr
Tonight's 7th grade girls and boys basketball games previously scheduled at Pangburn have been canceled due to the Cross Country District Meet. Keep up to date with school-related events @ #Soaring2NewHeights
about 3 years ago, West Side Staff
Senior, Hannah Berry, participated in the College Application event held at West Side this month. She applied to Arkansas State University in Jonesboro.
about 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
Hannah Berry
Sidney Gent also participated in the College Application Month event held at the school. She applied to Arkansas State University. Congratulations, Sidney!
about 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
Sidney Gent
STAR STUDENT: Congratulations to Carter Snearly for being selected as Mrs. Tori's star student for the month of September. Carter was chosen because he shows kindness to others. Way to go, Carter!
about 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
Carter Snearly
McKenna Bittle took time to apply to college during College Application Month with several of her classmates this month. McKenna applied to the University of Arkansas at Rich Mountain in Mena, Arkansas. Congratulations, McKenna.
about 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
McKenna Bittle
Elementary and High School students took home report cards for the 1st 9 Weeks today. Parents, please ask your child to present the grades to you, and be sure to encourage them where needed and praise them for effort. #Soaring2NewHeights
about 3 years ago, West Side Staff
Senior, Michael Crews, applied to UCA during West Side's College Application Month event. Congratulations, Michael!
about 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
Michael Crews
STAR STUDENT: Congratulations to Ellie Barger for being chosen as Mrs. Tonya's kindergarten star student. Ellie was chosen because she shows kindness to others. Way to go, Ellie!
about 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
Ellie Barger
The next early dismissal is Friday, November 5 ...
about 3 years ago, West Side Staff
Early Dismissal Dates
Senior, Brenton Knapp, applied to the University of Arkansas at Monticello during West Side's College Application Month event. Congratulations, Brenton!
about 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
Brenton Knapp
STAR STUDENT: Mrs. Traci's 4th grade star student for September is Fender Beck. Fender was selected because he shows kindness to others. He received a water bottle and certificate from Officer Donald. Congratulations, Fender!
about 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
Fender Beck
West Side SOAR recently got to share what they have been learning with their parents at a ukulele concert. Mrs. Cherie has done an excellent job of sharing her talent with these students and teaching them as well.
about 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
SOAR concert
SOAR concert
SOAR concert
The West Side girls golf team is conducting a fundraiser to help defray the cost of state championship rings. If interested in ordering a shirt, please contact one of the girls or Coach Shane Davis @ (501) 825-7241. #Soaring2NewHeights
about 3 years ago, West Side Staff
Girls Golf ring fundraiser
The junior class officers for this school year are pictured from left to right: Kirby Cothren-Vice President, Dax Hipp-President, Alyssa Smith-Secretary, Carson Stark-Treasurer, and Zack Birmingham- Student Council Representative
about 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
11th grade class officers
Sarah Carlton took time to apply to UCA with several of her classmates this month. October is College Application Month and West Side career coach, Melissa Ritter and counselor, Amanda Gentry, organized the application event.
about 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
Sarah Carlton
STAR STUDENT: Layla Guynes was chosen as the star student in Mrs. Layne's 4th grade. She does an excellent job of showing kindness to others! Congratulations, Layla!
about 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
Layla Guynes
Maci Parks joined her classmates this month in applying to college. She plans to attend UCA in Conway. Maci and the other West Side seniors participated in the Apply to College campaign held the month of October.
about 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
Maci Parks
Here are the West Side Freshmen class officers for the 21-22 school year. Pictured from left to right: Treasurer, Stevi Oplinger, Student Council Representative, Grayson Inzer, Vice President, Shanea Carlton, President, Logan Fife, and Secretary, Cameron Berry.
about 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
9th grade officers
West Side Elementary has lots of lost hoodies and jackets. Parents please have your child look through these items if they are missing something. Items will be donated after Wednesday.
about 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
lost and found