First Priority, the student-led Christian organization, will lead prayer and worship at the Ballfield Complex starting at 7 am Wed 9/25. Students, parents, and the community are invited to attend.
4 months ago, West Side Staff
Pray at the Pole 7 am Wed 9/25
Elementary music students Hudson Graham, Clare Hipp, Blayde Carlton, Cecilia Davis and high school band students Makaila Keller, McKinzzie Branscum, Charles Barden awarded certificates of completion to Mrs. Cherie Grizzle and Mrs. Jennifer Corpier for Sound & Stage training.
4 months ago, WSSD
ele S&S
hs S&S
Haygen and Holden Smith were very successful at the North Central Arkansas District Livestock Show! Haygen won 1st place Light Colored Crossbred Market Hog & 2nd place Duroc Commercial Gilt. Holden won Reserve Champion in pee wee swine showmanship.
4 months ago, Teresa Birmingham
Holden Smith
Haygen Smith
Haygen Smith
6th grade has worked hard learning about timelines and the earliest writing: hieroglyphics and cuneiform. Their projects turned out really neat!
4 months ago, Teresa Birmingham
6th grade social studies
6th grade social studies
6th grade social studies
6th grade social studies
Fall Festival, the family-fun game night for kids of all ages, will be held from 5 to 8 pm Friday, Oct. 4, mostly in Brady-Hipp Arena. Bring your family, your friends, and your appetite -- be ready to smile! The festival is a fund-raiser for the junior class.
4 months ago, West Side Staff
Fall Festival Oct. 4
University of Central Arkansas Coach Natalie Shock came and spoke to our student-athletes this week. Topics varied from the importance of grades and character during and after competition to the challenges high school athletes wanting to play college sports face.
4 months ago, WSSD
UCA Coach Shock
Mr. Caleb's 5th grade social studies classes have had lots of fun making 3-D topographic maps of Arkansas!
4 months ago, Teresa Birmingham
5th grade Social Studies
5th grade Social Studies
5th grade Social Studies
5th grade Social Studies
5th grade Social Studies
Don't forget that tomorrow is picture day!
4 months ago, Teresa Birmingham
Picture Day
Teachers and faculty participated in #WhyApply day on Thursday to share why they believe students should apply to college/and or why they applied to college.
4 months ago, stephanie whillock
Teachers and faculty participated in #WhyApply day on Thursday to share why they believe students should apply to college/and or why they applied to college.
4 months ago, stephanie whillock
Assistant VP, Krista Goodson and Assistant Branch Manager, Lacey Greene of Eagle Bank spoke to Mrs. Stephanie’s Principles of Banking class this morning. These ladies shared the services the bank offers and discussed job opportunities.
4 months ago, stephanie whillock
Mrs. Sallie's EAGLES are having fun with construction!
4 months ago, Teresa Birmingham
EAGLES class fun
Mr. Caleb's social studies class took advantage of the beautiful weather this morning and studied outside in the outdoor classroom.
4 months ago, Teresa Birmingham
outdoor classroom
The 8th Grade class is conducting a fundraiser by selling stainless steel West Side Eagle drinkware. Please contact Holly Shaw @ if you have any questions ...
4 months ago, West Side Staff
stainless steel cups
FFA and FCCLA member Abby Schmidt earned some awards at the Cleburne County Fair Reserve Grand Champion Turkey, Best of Show for fudge, Blue Ribbon for pineapple jelly, Blue Ribbon for banana bread, Blue Ribbon for a photo , and 4 red ribbons for photos.
4 months ago, Teresa Birmingham
Abby Schmidt
West Side First Priority, the student-led Christian organization, is sponsoring a Night of Worship at 6:30 pm Saturday, Oct. 5, at Eagle Bank Stage in Greers Ferry City Park. The public near and far is invited.
4 months ago, West Side Staff
Concert Sat 10/5
Several of our senior high students attended an ACT Prep class at Arch Ford this week! If you haven't signed up for the October ACT date, the deadline is this Friday!
4 months ago, Teresa Birmingham
ACT Prep
ACT Prep
First Priority, the student-led Christian organization, will lead prayer and worship at the Ballfield Complex starting at 7 am Wed 9/25. Students, parents, and the community are invited to attend.
4 months ago, West Side Staff
SYAT Wed 9/25 7 am
There will be a movie night fundraiser this Friday for the West Side Journalism Department. Ratatouille will be showing at 6:30 in the cafeteria. There will be a $5.00 entry fee with concessions available for purchase. Come out and support our journalism kids!
4 months ago, Teresa Birmingham
Movie Night Fundraiser
The much needed rain didn't stop our 5th & 6th graders from enjoying recess!
4 months ago, Teresa Birmingham
Inside Recess
Inside Recess
Inside Recess
Inside Recess
Inside Recess
Inside Recess
Inside Recess
Inside Recess
Inside Recess
Inside Recess