School dismisses at 2 p.m. Thursday for Parent-Teacher Conferences, which are from 3 to 7 p.m. that evening. Parents will receive a progress report of grades and ACT Aspire scores. There is NO SCHOOl on Friday. For information, call the school, (501) 825-6258. #Soaring2NewHeights
over 3 years ago, West Side Staff
Parent-Teacher Conferences 3-7 Thursday
There will be no after-school SOAR this Thursday, September 22, due to Parent-Teacher Conferences. We will resume SOAR Tuesday, September 28th.
over 3 years ago, West Side Staff
West Side students, faculty, and community members met this morning for the annual See You at the Pole. Pictured are Grayson Inzer and Ruston Holt leading students in praise and Channer Smith sharing a devotion with the group.
over 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
West Side 3rd-6th Grade students had a blast today with the Heber Springers Square Dance Group! Thank you so much to the dancers for giving their time and talent to do a little dancing with our students.
over 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
Square Dancing
Heber Springers
Square Dancing
Square Dancing
The Cross Country teams will not be traveling to Salem today.
over 3 years ago, Michelle Blake
The West Side boys golf team finished runner-up during the district match today at Turkey Mountain Golf Course in Horseshoe Bend — advancing to the State Golf Tournament for the first time since 2015. Izard County Consolidated won the district title, 250 strokes to 268. Max Gipson led the Eagles, finishing 3rd overall, and Travis Gentry was 4th. Both Gipson and Gentry received all-conference honors. Brenton Knapp 8th, and Dax Hipp tied for 11th. Asa Carr finished 13th, and Logan Fife, 18th.
over 3 years ago, West Side Staff
Boys Golf 2nd at District
Parents and teachers are invited to "Our Students and COVID-19," a Q&A Zoom panel from 6:30-8 p.m. tonight with immunologists, three other doctors, and a pediatrician. Join @ Passcode is 2021
over 3 years ago, West Side Staff
West Side teachers listen to Julie Wallace, co-principal of Quitman Public Schools, during an exercise this afternoon to identify key aspects of the district’s mission and vision.Teachers started the meeting touting celebrations in the first 4 weeks of the school year. At their next PLC, The teachers will continue their work as a PK-12 team to work on vision and collective commitments.
over 3 years ago, West Side Staff
West Side teachers
celebrations on sticky notes
Announcement and Request ... The 16th annual Eagle Athletics Golf Tournament set for Saturday is currently at 25 teams so to better the chances of having enough carts, we are asking everyone who can to please bring one. Greatly appreciated! #Soaring2NewHeights
over 3 years ago, West Side Staff
School dismisses at 2 p.m. Thursday for Parent-Teacher Conferences , which are from 3 to 7 p.m. that evening. Parents will receive a progress report of grades along with ACT Aspire scores from April. For information, contact the school at (501) 825-6258. #Soaring2NewHeights
over 3 years ago, West Side Staff
School out early at 2 p.m. Thursday for Parent Conferences
Mrs. Teresa is participating in the #whyapply American College Application Campaign.
over 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
Teresa Birmingham
Mrs. Holly Shaw applied to college to fulfill her dreams of becoming a teacher! #whyapply is a campaign to encourage seniors to apply for college or trade school.
over 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
Holly Shaw
The West Side Sr High GT students are selling sheets for their trip to Washington DC this year. If you are interested in ordering please contact a GT student or Mrs. Teresa Birmingham for more information.
over 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
sheet fundraiser
Mrs. Melissa Ritter is participating in the #whyapply campaign to encourage students at West Side to apply for college.
over 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
Melissa Ritter
Spirit Friday's start tomorrow!!! Please show your school spirit tomorrow by wearing Green & White!
over 3 years ago, West Side Staff
Spirit Fridays start Sept. 17
Reminder: Friday, September 17, is the deadline to register for the October 23 ACT.
over 3 years ago, West Side Staff
Yesterday's tennis match involving Conway Christian, Shirley & Viola -- which was rained out -- will be completed September 24 during the District Playoffs at Fairfield Bay.
over 3 years ago, West Side Staff
The West Side Basketball program is looking for business or people interested in running an advertisement on the score table screen for the 21-22 season. Your ad will be displayed throughout any regular season, high school, home game. Prices are $250 for the first year and $200 for any year after. Those interested please email
over 3 years ago, Megan Berry
West Side Ladies Golf ended their season with a first place win at Turkey Mountain this week. Kendra Harness claimed the top spot for the 10th time this year! Kortnee Finch followed in 3rd with fellow senior, Emma Johnson, in 5th. These three seniors finished their West Side match Career with a 31-2 record! Congratulation ladies on a tremendous season!
over 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
Kortnee Finch
Kendra Harness
Emma Johnson
Cleburne County Judge Jerry Holmes has lifted the Burn Ban for Cleburne County. #Soaring2NewHeights
over 3 years ago, West Side Staff